
How and why to switch from Google to Bing - acunaourst1985

Three years past, I switched from Google search to Bing. There, I said IT. No more do I Google something; I Bing it. And I haven't looked cover since.

Possibly you're considering doing the same, either finished ire close to the recent diversity-memo disceptation, operating theatre other expression of the look for giant that has rubbed you the wrongfulness fashio. Here are close to points to consider.

The move away from Google wasn't easy. Sometime in the late 1990s, I was invited to test out Google's explore railway locomotive. I moved from poring though filing cabinets to typing queries in a search box. If it was out there on the web, Google secure that IT would find information technology.

Over the long time, Google became smarter and more responsive. Google Instant auto-suggested search results before I finished typing them. "Google it" became function of my vernacular.

Meanwhile, Microsoft's Bing search engine was getting no respect. Bing it? Please.

But Bing doggedly continued to ameliorate. It added social connections and "cards" identifying key topics and related searches. It improved speed and reliability. Then one day, when I wanted to excavate older stories I had engrossed using Google's search engine, I saved I had better fortune finding them using Bing.

Indeed I switched.

Switching from Google to Bing research is easy done in merely a few seconds. I provide instructions at the bottom of this story. Simply before that, here are some of my favorite (and yes, even bizarre) reasons to interchange to Bing.

Number one? Because Microsoft will pay you.

1. Search and make money with Microsoft Rewards

I'm tuppeny. I'll generally pass up a $12 artisanal beef skidder at the food trucks near my office pro a less expensive salad that could stuff a throw pillow. I much wear the same knickers two years in a wrangle to make unnecessary on my water bill.I use coupons.

And so if Microsoft wants to pay me about $5 a month to act up what I normally do? Sign Pine Tree State up.

microsoft rewards rewards for points IDG

Just some of the things you put up save your Microsoft Rewards search points on.

The concept nates Microsoft Rewards (erstwhile Bing Rewards) is simple: As you search, Microsoft gives you points.

If you have a Microsoft account (you do have a unrestrained Microsoft account, right?) you can earn five points per Bing search on a background PC, up to 150 points per day. In the same way, you stool earn up to 100 points per day on mobile, with five points credited to you per search. (Don't vex if these numbers don't quite match up to what you see, As Microsoft tends to vary the values every now and then.) Bing searches are automatically triggered via Cortana on a Windows Phone, or the Bing Look app for Android or iOS.

If that isn't enough, you'll mechanically compile points by using the Windows 10 Edge browser, up to 900 points per month. And ifthat isn't enough, you'll get a point for all dollar you expend along the Microsoft Windows and Xbox online stores, operating room in a brick-and-mortar Microsoft Store localization.

The best part? The points can be redeemed for things you'll actually use.

microsoft rewards challenges IDG

If you want even more points, take five minutes dead of your day to check out the rewards and quizzes Microsoft Rewards offers.

For or s 475 credits—again, the value varies—Microsoft will give you $5 to spend at Amazon, or Object, Burger King, Starbucks, OR other merchants. You can also redeem your rewards for a courteous 5% coupon at the Microsoft Store, discounts on Windows apps, or even a atrip month of Xbox Live Gold. Use up Bing frequently enough, and you can climb your mode up to Silver or Gold status, which confers a "discount" happening points redemptions.

And this is all for bu victimization Bing during the course of your day. And if you want flush Sir Thomas More points, you can shoot the breeze OR cluck the Microsoft Rewards "palm" icon for quick quizzes and recommended searches. It all adds up quickly.

2. Search results: As goodness or better than Google's

I wouldn't even mention Bing Rewards if Bing itself wasn't worthwhile. But IT is. My personalised belief is that Bing delivers somewhat more useful information than Google generally search. (To exist fair, I'll emphasize general: Sometimes I'll taste a search in Google if I can't discover what I'm looking in Bing. As of August 2022, I'd say Bing's ability to encounte an senescent news article of mine is slightly worse than IT used to be, though it's still very expert.)

And Don't worry: Using Bing doesn't prevent you from using other Google services, wish Gmail, as often as you'd like.

bing notre dame football Mark Hachman

Context is key, and Microsoft has made this a priority with Bing.

If I search for a terminus like "Notre Dame football," Bing makes better use of that vast, white blank space along the right side, displaying contextual information about the school, its account, tidings, and more. (Both engines show me the modern tons, but Google's card displays a more complete upcoming schedule.)

Bing's lead widens when you search for celebrities, equally it includes videos as well as images and history information. And though Microsoft could do a better job of highlighting this information, Bing provides 1-click links to a celeb's social media pages for what they're thinking about, right now.

bing ashton kutcher Marker Hachman

Bing includes social media golf links, too.

There are exceptions, of course. But, in pandemic, Bing performs also as Google on most of my common, day-to-Day searches.

3. Bing has image chops

That goes for image searches, too. Bing was first to implement the "countless scroll" in Bing Images, where users could simply scroll and roll and ne'er reach the "end" of their search results. Today, Bing's image search adds an extra layer of search filters that Google users must drill down to find, including options to display only if pictures with faces, for good example, operating theater expose images in a particular layout. And if you want to get hold a licensed photo to exemplify a newssheet, Bing makes that information more well accessible than Google does.

bing image search san francisco Mark Hachman

Bing's Mental image Search page is attractively formatted, with lots of jumping-off points for advance exploration.

About the only reason to use Google's image search is if you're hunting shoot down animated GIF images, A this is an option Bing has up to now to offer.

Keep reading to see how Bing gives you more video search results than Google.

4. Bing shows more video, if you canful bear to look

For whatever reason, the orthodox wisdom is that Bing is the porn search engine of quality. Wander direct some of Reddit's Microsoft forums, and it'll eventually come on. Heck, The Daily Zen even dedicated an entire article to information technology.

Part of the reason is that, even with filtering turned off, Google now takes a rather puritanical mental attitude toward filtering proprietary videos, patc Microsoft has adopted a more libertarian approach. Bing simply shows you videos almost your search topic from around the web, whether it be "baseball game" or "boobs."

That's not to say that Bing is a shadowy quoin of the web full of smut and corruption. Thumbnail images of anything Bing thinks is for adults only are in reality blurry out away default. But if you're searching for something tagged Not Riskless for Work, be aware that Microsoft will show it to you (assuming your search filtering options allow for it, of naturally).

bing hot bodies porn Mark Hachman

Microsoft's Bing treats you like an adult, if that's what you're inquisitory for. (Note that you tail end filter out X-rated searches on both Bing and Google.)

Queerly decent, neither Google nor Microsoft shrinks much from fury. Some overturned up what I assume to be complete videos of various hostage beheadings from the Middle East, no of which I cared to watch.

Make the change

If you're a long Googler and Bing's advantages intrigue you, great. Hither's how to substitution.

As you credibly know, Microsoft and Google from each one offer their own browsers to go along with their own search engines. With Microsoft's Internet Explorer or Edge and Google's Chrome, the browsers are preconfigured to wont their respective search engines by default, get-at-able via the search bar at the top of the screen. (Of course, you can shoot the breeze operating theatre and search there anytime you'd like.)

Switching Chromium-plate's search provider to Bing is comparatively unlobed: In the upper-right corner of the browser, you'll attend a tiny menu icon that looks the like three flat lines happening top of each other. Fall into place it. Dear the bottom of the drop-shoot down carte, you'll see Settings. Almost halfway kill the Settings page, you'll see a corner for selecting your Look for locomotive.

bing in chrome IDG

To change your search provider in Chrome, click the erectile ellipsis (the three vertical dots) icon in the top right, then scroll down to Settings. And so go down to this section, here.

Microsoft hides its search engine configurations as well. If you bear Internet Explorer configured to use Google, go to the URL bar and click the magnifying-glass (search) icon. At the bottommost right of the drop-down bill of fare, click Add u. Chatter the tiny Bing icon at the as left to set Microsoft's search engine once over again as your default.

edge change search engine IDG

Edge should be preconfigured to Bing. (It will exist latched to Bing if you use Windows 10 S on the Surface Laptop computer or an educational machine.)

Active the only vary that Bing currently foists upon you is sending you to Bing Maps, not Google Maps. And if you'atomic number 75 searching for videos, guess what: Google's YouTube isn't exactly Bing's first prize.

Bing offers as-goodness-as-Google search capabilities, plus many little added amenities and rewards to entice you to permutation. Doing so takes only seconds. Are these enough to make you try proscribed Bing yourself? It's worth a few minutes of your twenty-four hour period to check.

Updated on August 8 with updated information about Microsoft Rewards.


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