James Ellis

James Ellis –

Since his large pause asRay Sinclairin Something Wild, Ray Liotta has specialised in highly intense, often pyschopathic roles. Near famous for playing Henry Colina in Goodfellas alongside Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci, he has also starred in Hannibal, Blow and Identity. He currently fronts a Boob tube ad entrada for Heineken.

People say: 'Call up intense, think Ray Liotta'. What do you think?

Like all actors, I get put in a box and, yep, about of the parts that I get offered are guys with a very dark side. That just means to me that the characters are very committed to their objective and therefore committed to a story. It makes it easier to play someone who has that commitment.

Did you really anteroom for the part of Henry Hill?

I read the book and had heard that Marty Scorsese was going to picture show information technology. Evidently, he was and is the crème de la crème. I went after information technology. I fabricated sure my agent arranged a meeting with him. I also ran into him at the Venice Film Festival and I talked to him about it and so. I knew a lot of people were afterwards the role and then I just made certain I was in Marty'south face as much as I could.

What does the real Henry Hill recall of your role?

It depends. Sometimes I hear him say he really liked me in the office, other times I read that he didn't retrieve I did a proficient job. He'south very changeable, Henry. He says any he's thinking at that moment.

Did y'all meet him?

Not before I shot but I did after the moving picture was washed. Marty never wanted to meet him beforehand but, when Henry saw the film, he and his blood brother called me upwardly to adapt a coming together. You never know what to look when Henry Loma calls y'all up but he was absurd with me. I've just read since that he didn't similar information technology.

At uni, you played one of the von Trapp children in The Sound Of Music. Do you lot remember any of the words?

Not really. I can practise a few bars of Practise-Re-Mi but I ain't singing information technology down the telephone to you. I went to college in Miami with no view to becoming an actor. I was just doing classes in liberal arts and had to accept a theatre course. It'south the typical actor'southward story: there was a cute girl, she said: 'Are you lot going to be in the plays?' and and so I auditioned and got the part. I didn't even want to get it. The first thing I did was Cabaret – the first twelvemonth, all nosotros did were musicals.

Did you go for the Miami Vice look while at college?

No – I was nonetheless the jock from high school. I would be in jeans, sneakers and T-shirts. That wait never goes out. I still wear it today.

Are your eyelids tattooed?

No. I remember meeting Joe Pesci for the beginning time on Goodfellas. He came upwardly to me and was just staring, staring and staring. I was thinking: 'What the hell's he staring at me for?' And then he said: 'I was merely seeing whether your eyes were really similar that.' I judge I just got lucky in the way I look but it does assist with that intensity yous mentioned.

What's Joe similar?

He'southward similar you'd wait. Joe is from the aforementioned part of the land as me [New Bailiwick of jersey]. We have our opinions. That's how people talk and deed where I am from. Nosotros are very committed to what nosotros are saying. I miss Jersey some just the weather is better here on the Due west Coast. I'm divorced at present but have a daughter, Karsen, who lives here.

What volition her boyfriends think when they come up home to see a Goodfella?

Hopefully it will scare them sh**less.

Are you reappraising your Goodfellas role in the ads?

Non really. I only play a guy who believes in the beer he drinks. In existent life, if I drink, I have a beer – and truthfully, I drink Heineken.

And that has nothing to practice with your pay cheque?

I did it because I thought it was calorie-free and fun. They do pay you for them, of course, very well. Simply I was non dying to do a commercial. Information technology is something I potable.

You lot aren't that prolific. Are you finicky?

That'south not and then much me but sometimes the business takes a long time to go to me. I could work all the time but not all films appeal to me that come along. I won't do things simply for the coin. But if seven or eight came along in a row and I wanted to do them all, then I'd go for it.